At each reunion we are saddened to hear that some more of our high school classmates have passed away. Let's not forget our fellow classmates who cannot be with us. Please contact us if you know of any others to included.
Jeffery Alfieri
Gail Clark
Sandra Del Barco
Randy Hall
Dennis Patrick Kain
Kevin Christensen
Sidney Leff
Martin McKay
Nancy Nakada
Brian Parkhurst
Brenda Pickering
Patricia Power
Jenny Meade (Rosen)
Sharon Savage
David Smith
Kathie Charouhas (Vergillo)
Barb White
Kristi Leitch (Matznnik)
Ione Webb (Herigstad)
Rex Gaus
Recently Added Memorials
Kristi Leitch (Matznnik)
Ione Webb (Herigstad)
Rex Gaus
Kevin Christensen
Carle Stumpf (Martin)