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Marjorie Strasburger

Now photo
Marital status: Divorced Children: 2
Occupation: Retired

Brian Reese

Then photo

Karl Hanke

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Now photo
Marital status: Married
Occupation: Retired Aerospace Engineer
Great job on developing and maintaining this website !!! My older and younger Kang siblings have no idea why their particular senior class has nothing in comparison.
Western Washington University / University of Southern California
Degree: BS EET / MS SAE

Craig Mitchell

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Now photo
Marital status: Divorced Children: 2
Occupation: Retired teacher
I only attended LWHS for the first week of football practice back in 1975. :-) 

After that I moved to Bellevue and graduated from Interlake in 1978.  I attended Rose Hill Junior High from 1972 to 1975. I attended the 30 year reunion in 2008, and it was great to renew some old friendships after 30+ years.

In 2012 I earned my Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) certificate in Plzen, Czech Republic. Since 2013, I have spent my summers in Europe (mostly in the Czech Republic) to teach, travel, and enjoy the world's best beer! 

I retired from teaching (34 years) in June 2019. I moved to Prague in July 2019. I legally emigrated to the Czech Republic in September 2020. In June 2021 I was granted temporary residency until Junr 2026. I am getting married to Jitka in September. I'm just living the dream here in Prague! 

I also have two beautiful children, a daughter who graduated from the Foster School of Business at the University of Washington in June 2018, and and a son who graduated in Communications at the University of Washington in June 2019. WOOF!

Unfortunately, I did not attend the 40th, as my real alma mater (Interlake) is having our reunion the same day in Woodinville.

However, I did crash the party at Lucky 7 on Friday and it was great seeing some of you there! 

If any of you are planning to be in central Europe, let me know! 

College: University of Washington
BS Chemistry, BS Molecular and Cell Biology, MEd Curriculum and Instruction

Cindy Bradford (Hayden)

Then photo
Marital status: Married Children: 2
Occupation: Kindergarten Teacher 35 yrs
In 1983, I went from the U of Wa to Forks, Wa.  First school district interview; first teaching job offer; first teaching job. Figured, "What the heck? All I want to do is teach! Might as well move to the end of the earth." I have lived on the beautiful Olympic Peninsula ever since! I even met my husband in Forks, quite a feat, and now live in the thriving metropolis of Port Angeles in the house he built for us.  I'm hoping for a 40 year career in education, specifically kindergarten, where my vocabulary has been reduced to one word commands, while my IQ has dropped at least 20 pts. Yet, I can still recite the words to most classic rock songs from 1968 - 1982 along with naming the artist. I am coming to the 40th for my future cognizance is questionable as I continue to argue with 5 year olds, daily, as to who was first in line and why one cannot lick Sammy's arm, just because he looks "yummy".  Teaching is truly my life's work; kindergartners are my vessel. Life is good!
College: University of Washington
Degree: BA Psych/MS Curriculum & Instruction

Denise Wallace (Hartman)

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Now photo
Marital status: Married Children: 3
Occupation: Retired

Carol Tiberio (Folkes)

Then photo
Marital status: Divorced Children: 2
Occupation: University of Washington, IT
Hi Everyone, 
There's a handful of you I remember because I also went through grade school with you.

During high school I started out going to Juanita High, then changed over to Lake Washington, but dropped out, and then went back in 1979 and graduated that year. 

I've been married, divorced, and stayed single, I have two wonderful daughters, and 4 sweet grandkids. 

I live in Gold Bar, and work at the UW, and yes my commute is bad but I love my work and look forward to retiring in 7 years, so counting down the days for sure!

I'm excited for the renuion, and thank you Jeff Wagener for finding me! I sure do hope some of you I remember show up as well.
Carol Tiberio (Folkes)
College: Lake Washington Technical College
Degree: AA

Kaye Moser

Then photo
Marital status: Married Children: 4
Occupation: Business Analyst

Scot Wegner

Then photo
Marital status: Committed Relationship
Occupation: Business Consultant
College: Harvey Mudd College
Degree: BS, Mathematics, Computer Science

Mike Kohls

Then photo
Marital status: Divorced Children: 2
Occupation: Chief Executive Officer at Mike's Retirement
From March through October, I actively pursue birdies and eagles around the Pacific Northwest, with emphasis on the various golf courses around the Inland Empire of Washington state. When I'm not doing that, I can be found in my hot tub.
College: School of Hard Knocks